Mark’s Memos

" Get God’s Strategy "
August 17, 2023

When the Israelites went against the city of Ai, God gave them a unique strategy for the battle (Josh. 8).

Joshua had three groups of soldiers surround the city and lie in ambush on three sides at night. The rest of the people openly approached the city from the front side. After getting the city’s attention, Joshua and the people started fleeing the city. The men in Ai started chasing the Israelites out of the city leaving no men in Ai. Then those in ambush came out of hiding and attacked the men from Ai. Some of the Israelites went into Ai and torched the city, so the men of Ai saw the smoke, but could do nothing about it.

Notice that this wasn’t the same strategy God gave them for Jericho! Get God’s unique strategy for each challenge you face! Don’t assume the last strategy will be the same for the next battle!

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