Mark’s Memos

" God is Faithful to Fulfill All His Promises! "
October 5, 2023

“So the LORD gave to Israel all the land of which He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they took possession of it and dwelt in it. The LORD gave them rest all around, according to all that He had sworn to their fathers. And not a man of all their enemies stood against them; the LORD delivered all their enemies into their hand.”  (Josh. 21:43-44)

Notice that God gave Israel all the land that He had promised them! There were no more land prophecies that needed to be fulfilled. Often there is a season of rest that God grants us AFTER intense battles are won (see Acts 9:31).

“Not a word failed of any good thing which the LORD had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass.” (Josh. 21:45) May all that God has spoken to you come to pass!

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