Mark’s Memos

" It’s Time to Earn the World’s Respect "
June 8, 2023

“Now Jericho was securely shut up because of the children of Israel; none went out, and none came in.” (Josh. 6:1)

Just as God wanted His people to possess the Promised Land in the book of Joshua, so does God have territory for you to possess! Jericho was the first city they possessed. What can we learn from this to apply to possessing our Promised Land?

Notice from our text that the city of Jericho was on lockdown. Why? Not because of a virus, but because they feared the people of God! Why did they fear the people of God? Because of the victories the people of God had experienced.

Let’s press into God to the degree that we experience victories from God – victories that the world notices – victories that earn the respect of the world!

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