Mark’s Memos

" Put Out the Scarlet Rope on Behalf of Your Family "
April 20, 2023

Rahab was from Jericho and knew that God was going to give Jericho over to the people of God. As a result, she pleaded with the Israel spies to spare her and her household (Josh. 2:12-13). The spies told Rahab that they would spare her and her family if she had her family in her house and hung a scarlet rope out of the window of her home (Josh. 2:14, 17-19). Rahab brought her family into her home, put the scarlet rope out the window, and her and her family were spared.

God wants to save you and your family! By faith, gather your family (see Josh. 24:15), put the scarlet rope (a type of the blood of Jesus) of prayer out your prayer window and believe God to spare your family!

“But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” (Josh. 24:15)

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